Lake & Pond Stocking in Bryan, TX

Pond stocking is a key step in creating your fishing paradise. Our state-of-the-art pond stocking trucks and techniques bring you the right fish at the right price. But unlike traditional fish stocking services, we also bring you decades of experience in complete lake and fishery management. We know exactly how to create a thriving fishery that will become the fishing hotspot for your friends and family for decades to come.

Ready to make your trophy bass lake? Looking for more casual family fishing fun for all ages?

Find out why our pond stocking service is the choice of private pond and lake owners across Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

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Pond stocking done right

When selecting fish for pond stocking, it’s important to consider your long-term goals for your lake or pond and its condition and surroundings.

What fish will work best in your body of water involves many variables, including your goals, the size of the lake and other factors. Very small ponds under one acre have special considerations to take into account, and so do very large lakes of many acres. They must be stocked and managed in different ways and present distinct challenges.

It’s also important to evaluate the sustainability and impact of introducing non-native species and species that aren’t well adapted to an area.

Our pond stocking professionals will provide you with expert guidance and advice that aligns with your fishery goals and conditions.

Complete selection of fish for pond stocking

We’re pleased to offer all of the most popular species of fish in this region and also some other choices you may not have considered.

Considering particular fish for your lake or pond? Curious about Texas trout stocking or other varieties including bass, sunfish, catfish and forage fish?  

We carry bass, trout, sunfish, catfish, forage fish and more. We’ll work with you to determine not just stocking rates, but also fish types that can live together in harmony for a healthy, vibrant and self-supporting ecosystem.

Click here to learn more about our fish for pond stocking.

fishery management

Lochow Ranch is the fishery management and consulting company of choice for pond owners who want a thriving fishery.

We bring you more than two decades of experience in creating the best and most productive sport fishing ponds and lakes.

Find out why private pond owners across Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma turn to our team of biologists and fishery management pros.

Click here to learn more about our complete fishery management services.

Get started on your private pond paradise

Learn more about how we help

Why Lochow Ranch for pond stocking?

At Lochow Ranch, we can stock and maintain your pond or lake so that it can serve as your fishing hole or meet your other needs for generations to come. With more than a half-century of combined experience serving farm owners and landowners in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma, we’re the region’s best pond stocking option.

We can put our experience to work in creating a recommended fish stocking rate that takes into account your lake size, location, health and condition as well as your goals for your body of water. Jumpstart stocking rates are also different from maintenance stocking rates, and the amount of maintenance stocking varies significantly based on the size of the lake and other factors as well.

At almost any time of year, we can deliver fish to your lake or pond. Then, we can work with you in the future to make sure the outcome is in line with your goals.

Pond stocking for lakes and ponds in Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Louisiana

Industry-leading fishery management

When the fishing industry experts at Bassmaster set out to renovate a lake in Alabama for its video series on creating a great bass fishery, they turned to Lochow Ranch for our pond and fishery management expertise.

Click here to learn more about our fishery management services for creating and managing the trophy fishery of your dreams.