Pond Products

Pond stocking trout bass many more Texas Louisiana Oklahoma Arkansas 02

Fish for stocking ponds and lakes

Lochow Ranch is the pond stocking partner of choice for pond and lake owners throughout Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma.

If you are looking for largemouth bass, we offer both Florida strain bass and native strain bass. If you are looking to buy crawfish, stock trout or any of many varieties of forage fish, we can help.

Learn more about our broad selection of fish for stocking your lake or pond.

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Custom docks, floating docks

We are proud to offer Wahoo Docks to our pond and lake customers throughout the region.

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Aeration systems for ponds and lakes

An aeration system ensures water is properly oxygenated, promoting a balanced, healthy pond eco-system and a thriving fishery. Check out our selection of top-of-the-line aeration systems.


Fish feeders

Supplemental feeding with our automatic fish feeders can maximize fish growth and the size of the fish population in your lake or pond. Check out our range of feeder options.

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Fountains for ponds and lakes

A fountain can be the crowning touch on your private pond or lake. But not only do fountains enhance the beauty of your body of water, they promote a healthier pond by assisting water aeration and oxygenation. Check out our line of pond fountains.