Forage Fish
Available in sizes up to 2 inches
Availability: all year
Fathead minnows have short bodies with a triangular shaped head. The upper jaw overhangs the snout and breeding males have a number of bumps their head. Coloration ranges from olive to olive-yellow on the back tinged with copper or purple in larger fish.
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At Lochow Ranch, we’re proud of our ponds. Let us make your ranch or farm’s body of water into a showcase pond or fishery that will delight family and friends for decades to come. We deliver professional lake and pond management services throughout Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma.
Phone: (866) 422-9022
Fax: (979) 703-7995
Headquarters Mailing Address
PO Box 5130
Bryan, TX 77805
Headquarters Shipping Address
8745 N. State Highway 6
Bryan, TX 77807